

Hi, my name is Rafael Barbaroti, but everyone knows me as Tchuli.

Graduated in Digital Design, I started my career animating countless banners in the late Macromidia Flash (God rest his soul), and I'm very proud of that!

Showing interest and proactivity, I got my first creative opportunities within the agency, where the first idea presented became the first Shortlist at the Cannes Festival in the Innovation category in Brazil.

Last year, I became a great enthusiast and started consuming and studying various content about Artificial Intelligence. I began using Midjourney in my daily life for the creation of KVs and storyboards. Admittedly curious, I've been a gamer since the 80's and a big fan of pop culture.
Let's chat?

Mail me, [email protected]
Text me, +55 11 99381.5199

Graduated in Digital Design, I started my career animating countless banners in the late Macromidia Flash (God rest his soul), and I'm very proud of that!

Showing interest and proactivity, I got my first creative opportunities within the agency, where the first idea presented became the first Shortlist at the Cannes Festival in the Innovation category in Brazil.

Admittedly curious, I've been a gamer since the 80's and a big fan of pop culture.
Let's chat?

Mail me, [email protected]
Text me, +55 11 99381.5199


Where I've been...

GALERIA, Senior Creative Art Director - 2024
Worked with Itaú, Itaú Uniclass and Itaú Personnalité.

Tech&Soul, Senior Creative Art Director - 2022 to 2024
Worked with Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Clear, CNA, Kopenhagen.

Publicis, Creative Art Director - 2022
Worked with Heineken, Braskem and Invisalign.

Index Conectada, Creative Art Director - 2021
Worked Johnnie Walker Blue Label, Baden Baden, Risqué, Monange and Bozzano.

Agência Terruá, Creative Art Director - 2021
Worked with Banco do Brasil and CAIXA.

Publicis, Creative Art Director - 2020
Worked with ENO and Corega.

Meza1618, Art Director - 2020
Worked with Singenta, EQI and BRF.

SunsetDDB, Art Director - 2020
Worked with MRV and Vigor.

Arizona, Art Director - 2019 to 2020
Worked with Seara, Natura and YPE.

Isobar Brasil, Art Director - 2013 to 2019
Worked with Samsung, Fiat, Jeep, 99, Nivea, Escola Cuca, SKY, TIM, Sadia, Azul e Accor.

Tech&Soul, Senior Creative Art Director - 2022 to 2024
Worked with Mitsubishi, Suzuki, Clear, CNA, Kopenhagen.

Publicis, Creative Art Director - 2022
Worked with Heineken, Braskem and Invisalign.

Index Conectada, Creative Art Director - 2021
Worked Johnnie Walker Blue Label, Baden Baden, Risqué, Monange and Bozzano.

Agência Terruá, Creative Art Director - 2021
Worked with Banco do Brasil and CAIXA.

Publicis, Creative Art Director - 2020
Worked with ENO and Corega.

Meza1618, Art Director - 2020
Worked with Singenta, EQI and BRF.

SunsetDDB, Art Director - 2020
Worked with MRV and Vigor.

Arizona, Art Director - 2019 to 2020
Worked with Seara, Natura and YPE.

Isobar Brasil, Art Director - 2013 to 2019
Worked with Samsung, Fiat, Jeep, 99, Nivea, Escola Cuca, SKY, TIM, Sadia, Azul e Accor.

What I won, or almost...

The One Show, 2023
Shortlist, Clear The Antizica Haircut

New York Festival, 2023
Finalist > Social Media & Influencer: Best Use, Clear The Antizica Haircut

Effie Awards, 2023
Shortlist > Beauty and Care, Clear Antizica Haircut

Cannes Lions, 2015
Shortlist > Innovation, Fiat Safekey

El Ojo, 2015
Shortlist > Innovation, Fiat Safekey

Clio Awards, 2016
Shortlist > Product Design, Fiat Safekey

Lusófonos, 2016/2017
Ouro > Design de Produto, Fiat Safekey

41º Annual CCSP
Promo/Marketing Direto, Fiat Safekey

The One Show, 2023
Shortlist, Clear The Antizica Haircut

New York Festival, 2023
Finalist > Social Media & Influencer: Best Use, Clear The Antizica Haircut

Effie Awards, 2023
Shortlist > Beauty and Care, Clear Antizica Haircut

Cannes Lions, 2015
Shortlist > Innovation, Fiat Safekey

El Ojo, 2015
Shortlist > Innovation, Fiat Safekey

Clio Awards, 2016
Shortlist > Product Design, Fiat Safekey

Lusófonos, 2016/2017
Ouro > Design de Produto, Fiat Safekey

41º Annual CCSP
Promo/Marketing Direto, Fiat Safekey

Where I learned...

Escola Cuca, Creative Advertising
2014 | São Paulo

UNIFIEO - Digital Design
2008 to 2012 | São Paulo

Escola Cuca, Creative Advertising
2014 | São Paulo

UNIFIEO - Digital Design
2008 to 2012 | São Paulo

Thanks for scrolling!
